ENFP relationships often have serious ups and downs. These relationships are full of fun, creativity, drama, excitement, and adventure. Their childlike enthusiasm, loyalty, and passion for life make them perfect friends and romantic partners.
ENFP’s decisions are based on their feelings, morals, and internal value system (Fi). They often contribute, donate and support social causes for the betterment of society. However, their idealistic approach toward life, inability to handle conflicts, and extreme sensitivity to criticism make them prone to emotional outbursts and passive-aggressive behavior.
ENFPs are flexible, nurturing, considerate, and understand their partner’s feelings. Nonetheless, ENFP appears to be self-centered because their introverted feelings (Fi) are directed at themselves first and foremost.
ENFP does whatever it takes to make the relationship work. This makes it difficult for them to leave the bad relationships and makes them an easy target for people who want to take advantage.
Here are 10 things you need to know before entering into a relationship with an ENFP.
ENFPs Value Knowledge and Growth
ENFPs are always eager to learn new things and desire to have a partner who can challenge them intellectually. Though ENFPs are pro at small talks and random chit-chats at social gatherings, they prefer an open-minded and knowledgeable partner. They look for someone with whom they can go on adventures and have meaningful discussions.
Quality conversations and exploring new ideas are perfect for them on the first date. To seduce an ENFP, display your thoughts and explore the world of new possibilities together. If you conquer ENFPs’ imagination, you conquer their heart.
ENFPs are Wild in Bed
ENFPs are the most seductive, passionate, and creative lovers with rich fantasies. They have a penchant for trying new things and an eagerness to make their partner happy. They are never boring in bed. To improve their skills, they will figure out ways to constantly better themselves.
They won’t shy away from reading all the books and guides on the subject. They’re amazing and playful lovers who love to flaunt their sexuality. No idea, place, or position is off the table with them. For ENFP, sex is not just pleasure. They see it as an opportunity to whole-heartedly express their love and create emotional bonding with their partner.
ENFPs are Loyal
Nobody can flirt better than an ENFP. They are known to shower people with their affection and attention. This is frequently misunderstood as flirting and becomes the cause of trouble in their relationships.
ENFPs are extremely loyal to their partner once they form an emotional bond. They highly value loyalty and try to maintain the integrity of the relationship at all costs. The idea of cheating or hurting their spouse is painful to them.
ENFPs always lookout for exciting possibilities and fantasize about an ideal partner straight out of a Disney movie waiting for them somewhere out there.
If their tendency to look for greener pastures overpowers them, they face trouble staying in monogamous relationships. For an ENFP to be in a dedicated relationship, their partner must be enthusiastic about having new experiences and frequently engages them in new adventures. Common hobbies and interests that need imagination and creativity help to keep the relationship going.
The daily routine and a boring lifestyle would suffocate the ENFP. It would make it difficult for them to stay happy and focus on the relationship. If not addressed on time, the relationship’s boredom and dullness make them eventually leave the relationship.
ENFPs are Children at Heart
ENFPs have reckless streaks. They can be the life of parties, but they need someone to keep their enthusiasm in check constantly. They can go overboard with drinks, food, dance, or PDA. Remember, ENFPs “feel first. Think later”. If they feel like getting drunk, they will, without thinking of repercussions until later on. They bring the proverb ‘curiosity killed the cat’ to life.
Making decisions and sticking to them is hard for an ENFP. They need a partner with a clear head who can guide them, comfort them and provide structure to their thoughts. A partner who could show them the direction when they feel lost in the swirl of overwhelming feelings.
Their emotions and idealistic approach can easily cloud their judgment. ENFPs, for this reason, are attracted to partners who are not pushovers and stand their ground when needed. They like the sense of reliability and security provided by a steadfast partner.
This might not augur well for unhealthy ENFP relationships. Partner of unhealthy ENFPs begin to feel more like a parent figure or caregiver than a lover. For a long-lasting relationship, ENFPs need to learn to control their emotions and think logically for a moment before taking any actions solely based on feelings.
ENFPs are Best Cheerleaders
ENFPs want the best for their partner and often encourage them to follow their dreams and ambitions. They will make sure to let their partner know that they are by their side during all ups and downs of life.
They cheer for their partner at every opportunity and make sure to give them all emotional support and motivation. Even if their partner’s dream appears to be ludicrous, they will stand by their partner. The ENFP will be ready to fight out with anyone who dares to ridicule their partner.
And they expect the same from their partner, to encourage them and be by their side during their hard times. ENFPs place great importance on personal growth and would often embark on new hobbies and adventures during which they would wish their partner would actively support them and cheer for them.
They accept their partner with all their flaws and don’t like to pressure their partner to change their behavior or do anything in particular unless it is to protect their partner from certain harm or because it is against ENFP’s ethics and values.
ENFPs Look for Open-Minded Partner
ENFPs are a pro at throwing new ideas and plans now and then. They change their mind several times and ultimately do something completely opposite to the initial plan.
In a relationship with an ENFP, you have to be open to exploring never thought before ideas, absurd conversation topics, new activities, and perspectives. You obviously don’t have to immediately pack your bags and go to the Himalayas just because your ENFP saw a documentary about a Yeti sighting and wants to try their luck finding one.
You have to listen to them and let them know that you would love to go there in the future at a suitable time. For an ENFP getting the acknowledgment of their idea is itself sufficient. They know their ideas and demands are sometimes unreasonable, but they will Google the possible hideouts of Yeti anyways.
Sharing thoughts and ideas is the quickest way to connect with an ENFP. Tell ENFP new information about what you are thinking at the moment or throw different possibilities or scenarios about a plan to engage them and bond with you. They like to give their opinions and formulate new theories when intellectually challenged.
ENFP appear to be stubborn about certain beliefs (coming from Fi) they hold, irrespective of reality and facts. ENFP partners better not argue after a certain point. It is better to let go of the topic until ENFP realizes their argument’s fallacy on their own.
ENFPs Crave For Feedback
ENFPs genuinely invest in their partner and try to understand everything about their partner. To keep their partner happy, they want to know their partner’s likes and dislikes and what makes them tickle. ENFP wants to know how they can help to make their partner more relaxed in the relationship. This can sometimes be smothering for their partner.
To prevent an ENFP from becoming overly insecure, possessive, or jealous, it is best if their partner provides them feedback about the relationship from time to time. ENFPs are sensitive to criticism but value the feedback regarding the health of their relationship. It is important to know for them if they are doing something wrong.
ENFPs feel special when they know someone is thinking of them or going out of their way to help them. Keeping in touch via texts, a heartfelt card, or a phone call to inquire about their day makes them cherish their partner.
ENFPs like to draw inspiration from others. Their ideal partner is the one who can inspire them and share ideas with them. ENFPs often fall in love with a person’s mind.
When ENFP’s partner shares feelings and their true thoughts about the relationship, they enable ENFP to take the relationship to the next level. When their partner shares their feelings or opens up about their happy and sad moments, ENFPs feel trusted and know they are an important part of their partner’s life.
ENFPs Like to Be Free As a Bird
ENFPs want to be seen and heard by the people around them. Don’t shut them down if you find their ideas wonderfully weird. ENFPs crave an audience because they have a lot they want to express.
If you try to restrict them or put them in a box, they’ll start to resent you for making them feel like caged birds. ENFPs like to spend time exploring new places, interacting with new people, and learning new subjects. They want to experience things and experiment with their ideas.
Though ENFPs can be completely committed in a relationship, they would not like to entertain the idea of putting their own personal growth or career on a back-burner for the relationship. The definition of a healthy relationship for an ENFP is one in which both partners are growing and making themselves better alongside each other. They wouldn’t want their or their partner’s growth to be stagnant.
ENFPs Are Often Assumed to Be Casanova
ENFPs are friendly people, and human interaction is their oxygen. They want to meet a lot of people and make friends. People are not used to the kind of genuine love and attention which ENFPs normally lavish on them. This obviously leads to ENFPs being constantly accused of flirting with everyone.
ENFPs are really curious about people and their lifestyles. They have an intense desire to engage and interact with people from all walks of life. However, ENFPs are extremely loyal, and a mere insinuation of cheating is insulting to them.
ENFPs give either all or nothing to the relationship. If they are giving their all in the relationship, their partner should have no reason to doubt them.
ENFPs Hate Criticism. Love Verbal Praise
ENFPs are extremely sensitive to criticism and take it personally. Being people pleasers, ENFPs invest a lot in the relationship. They drive personal satisfaction through their loved one’s happiness, and any expression of disapproval or disappointment can crush them.
ENFPs see the negative statement as an allegation against their entire character instead of seeing it as an opportunity for growth. They over-analyze the statement and can easily begin to feel insecure in relationships if criticized constantly.
ENFPs crave verbal praise and appreciation from people who are close to them. They need constant assurance from their partner about the love they share and can get extremely upset over a slight remark if they perceive it as criticism.
This doesn’t mean that their partner cannot confront them, but their partner needs to choose words wisely. ENFPs would know that their partner’s aim is not to hurt them but to make their relationship better.
ENFPs stay in bad relationships far longer than they should. They see the failure of the relationship as their fault. ENFPs like to see possibilities and good in every individual. To alleviate and divert the pain of a broken relationship, they often indulge in binge eating, alcohol, or other physical pleasures. They try every trick in the book to salvage the relationship. They believe that the success or failure of the relationship is completely their responsibility, and if they do a little more or something a little different, they can save the relationship.
ENFPs can be a pleasure to be in a relationship with if their partner is truly looking to cherish a lifelong relationship with them.

Ayush Henry is a prolific copywriter. He is a professional soft skills trainer known for his boundless energy and enthusiasm. Ayush holds MBA in hospitality and a Master of Arts in English. He indulged himself in creative writing and has been crafting online and print educational materials since 2010.
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