Global warming is hitting us mercilessly, and this summer has not been easy on either of us. Instead of discussing Cythia Erivo’s success or the cute guy in the neighborhood every day rising temperature and slaughtering heat has become key gossip topics. Such a waste! It is high time to roll back into our original skin and beat the summer heat.
We all know how important it is to cover up and bathe in sunscreen, duh! Let’s explore more concrete solutions and remedies. Firstly, it is important to remember that cloudy skies, fog, and haze do not protect you from UV radiation; the ruthless sun gets through them easily. Another important point to recall is that sunscreens are not meant to increase the amount of time you spend in the sun. They are meant to increase your protection when you have to be outside. Secondly, many of us confuse sunblock and sunscreen, and no, they are not the same! Sunblocks are meant to completely prevent UV rays from penetrating into the skin, which would prevent tanning however sunscreens filter UV rays preventing sunburns whilst allowing the skin to tan. Sun exposure can also trigger hyperpigmentation and age spots. Thus choose wisely!
Here are natural home remedies to remove Sun Tan
Pick out fresh tomato and some yogurt –
The citric properties of tomato act as a natural tan remover. It also works as a toner and naturally reduces the skin’s oiliness. Yogurt, too, is a good bleaching agent and fights sun tan naturally. Mix together one tablespoon of each and apply the paste to your face. Let it dry for 30 minutes and cleanse with lukewarm water. You may experience a slight tingling sensation, but be assured that the pack is beginning to work!
Honey and papaya are also good agents to brighten up your skin naturally –
Mash half a cup of ripe papaya with a tablespoon of honey. Blend well and apply on your face. Leave the pack on for half an hour and wash off with cold or lukewarm water. Enzymes in papaya are useful in skin whitening and renewal, and honey is best known for making skin soft and supple. Together they bring wonder to sunburned skin!
Nothing helps skin better than fluids –
Delight yourself with fruit juices, coconut water, green tea, buttermilk, or simply water to reduce heat levels and stay cool and hydrated. Green is very beneficial in eliminating dead skin cells and works as an anti-inflammatory, it also helps to protect against a variety of skin disorders. Say yes to fluids this summer and make your skin detoxified, soft, and lucid.
- Skin reflects what you eat –
It is important to keep an eye on your diet, especially in summer. Stay 10 feet away from oily and salty cuisine no matter how much your tongue flutters. Make the best use of mangoes, as they contain more than 20 varieties of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, mangoes have a fruit acid enzyme profile and contain Beta-C and vitamin-A derivatives that activate cell regeneration. Sweet potato and berries have proven best for regenerating skin and stirring up inner glow. Mushrooms are one of the only food sources rich in vitamin D; it contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It holds everything which our skin needs to remain strong and youthful.
The only mantra for a happy summer is to eat well, look well, and stay charged! Make the best use of natural goods to rejuvenate your skin and hack your glow back!

Emily believes that people should always live their lives to the fullest every day. She loves her dog JiJi. Emily has graduated from the University of Michigan and is a passionate relationship blogger who is looking forward to her career as a relationship and dating coach. She is an avid book reader with a special liking for romance, horror, and sci-fi genre.
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